Certified Organic Produce Coming up!! 🥬🥕🍅🍆🥒


We've been cooking up something good over here and we're finally ready to spill the deats 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Remember the produce we sold over the summer from Rutabaga Ranch - a local organic market garden in Brinston, about 30min south from us? Well the owners, Jaymie and Robbie are really great people who grow some pretty amazing produce - nothing like what you can get in a grocery store.  

I mean, after having their carrots all summer, my kids WILL NOT touch grocery store carrots at all and I don't blame them really, they don't even taste the same. 

We get fresh deliveries from Rutabaga Ranch on Wednesdays when the farmstore is open and we are now going to be a pick-up location for their membership pickup. 

If you can't tell, I'm very excited about this!

What's their membership you say?

It's a weekly subscription box that runs for 20 weeks.  You receive in season veggies that are certified organic and grown down the road from you!

Here's an idea of what you may get ⤵

  • Spring : spinach, radish, salad greens, kale, swiss chard and zuchini
  • Summer : beets, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, egg plants, lettuce
  • Fall : leeks, squash, garlic, cabbage, rutabaga, onions


Not only would you be getting local veggies every week, you'd also be able to get any of our other products at our farm store at the same time.  Allowing you to decrease the amount you're spending at the big corporate grocery stores and increase the amount you're spending in your local economy. 

Here's the way it works

  1. Fill out the membership form on Rutabaga Ranch's website - here
  2. Choose Dalmeny Acres as your pickup location (our address is currently wrong on the form but everything else is good!)
  3. Choose how you would like to pay, read over the fine print and submit
  4. Wait for Jaymie to get back to you and offer payment options
  5. That's it!

So why do it this way and pay for everything up front before the season even starts?

Rutabaga Ranch follows a community-supported agricultural (CSA) approach - meaning that by pre-purchasing your portion of the abundance, the best seeds can be sourced and there is money in the bank to pay the Rutabaga Ranch team for their hard work, to maintain proper infrastructure and just to allow for some wiggle room during a time where money isn't necessarily coming in but there's so much work to be done, people to pay and things to buy.

Doing it this way allows you to directly support your local farmers, even if things go poor like weather, crop losses, drought, disease, early frost etc.  It allows you to ensure that your farmers are properly cared for while they care for you!

When does it start?

This is very weather dependent, especially because our springs have been a bit all over the place recently but you will be notified 1-2 weeks ahead of start date (sometime mid May - mid June)

Okay so how much is it right? 

$605 for the entire 20 weeks of fresh veggies.

So once the warmer weather comes back around, come see us on Wednesdays for your veggie box and then you also have the option to come and buy other local goodies like eggs, fresh sourdough, meat etc. at our farm store.

This is how we connect through food again!

Have questions? Send an email to farm@dalmenyacres.ca, I want to hear them all :)


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